Oct 25, 2011

late night

I am again in the trap. I don't know. May go free? What is free?
Need to get back to work.


Sep 27, 2011


The art, music, and all luxuries of the senses are so 'pleasure' centric. Why?

Aug 12, 2011

The August Man

One documentary I illegally downloaded changed my life forever. That is the power of free knowledge. 

Jul 29, 2011

Wind & Rain

Just outside the shining glass,  there is so much movement.
People are moving like the random letters of an unfinished poetry
in the everlasting dance of the wind and the rain.


Stuffed with unknown thoughts. 100 grams of procrastination. 1000 tonnes of aimlessness...

Jun 1, 2011


There is so much rage in the soft sounding piano!

May 5, 2011


Every thing everyone does is around and for humans. Human is limited by his own self.

May 2, 2011


Need a non pretending superman to save the world from pretending people.


Being young is difficult than being old.

Apr 28, 2011

Small things & big things

When small things takeover us we quickly become small. Big things never take over and even they do, we never become big so fast :-(

Why wait?

what is the idea of waiting? why wait?
waiting is as bad as hasting.

Mar 2, 2011

Blackberry notes

Here are some quick notes from my blackberry.

Great music allows you to follow itself.
Great music like great art allows you to form and follow patterns.

Feb 14, 2011

Dream or a nightmare?

I was walking a long road with a brush in my hand.
There was heavy traffic but I could not hear a sound.
The road had a thin layer of water flowing.
But none of the vehicles were splashing.

I looked down and realized I was not walking
but I was moving.

Jan 22, 2011

Broken Parabel?

Long dreams.
Lost causes.
Moist Feelings.
Colorful dust.
Scent of paint.
Dry towels.
Cold side of the pillow.

Some interesting words from a poem I tried writing.